Two newborn kittens were brought to a Virginia Clinic 10 days ago. The pair were severely ill and in need of intensive care immediately.
Ellen Carozza, Feline Licensed Veterinary Technician of NOVA Cat Clinic (in Virginia), took in the pair.
The kittens were only 1 day old and Ellen’s male cat, Benny took one look and fell for the duo.
“Ellen had to tube feed the feline babies around the clock. “We knew we had a severe problem at hand when one of the babies had blood in their urine, which indicates a significant problem that needed immediate attention.”
Despite the best care, one of the kittens passed away.
“Benny knew something was wrong with the critical baby as he would push his way into the hourly checks, tube feeding sessions and cleaning the sick baby,” Ellen said.
“We like to think he was prepping this baby on letting go as his attitude changes a bit and becomes more intense with his care.”
The remaining kitten was a girl, named Jubilee. Benny continued to give her all the love and attention he could between feedings.
“From 24/7 monitoring at the incubator at home, to waiting at the window for us when I get home from work, he’s ready to dish out the kisses (Benny blessings) and much needed grooming from another cat,”
After just 5 days Ellen noticed a change in Jubilee’s coloring. She looked healthier.
“She started to look more like a polar bear than a kitten. We have a Siamese mix on our hands, not a white kitten,”
The little kitten is now eating like a champ and getting bigger and stronger every day.