Millie, a Jack Russell Whippet dog mix who lives in Hampshire, England, was saved by a volunteer group from being stranded and lost in the wilderness for days, and was brought back to safety. On January 13th, Millie went on a walk with her owners. After a few minutes of walking, she worked her way out of her collar, and escaped to a dangerous muddy terrain, which was not easily accessible to humans.
The Denmead Drone Search volunteer group brought people together to brainstorm ideas on how to save the curious dog. First, they thought to rescue the dog by means of a kayak. They attempted to do so and quickly realized it would not work. Doing it on foot was also not a great option because they thought that it might draw Millie into a more dangerous area, so they took a more creative approach to the situation. They used what they had laying around, including a drone, rope, and a link of sausage, (probably somebody’s lunch that day); and they tied the sausage to the end of a rope, and attached it to a drone, which they flew over the dog to hopefully redirect her out of the bad area, and back to her home sweet home.
Millie was excited to have lunch, so she followed the delicious and savory meat out of the wet, swampy land, and made it safely back to dry land. (I mean, I would follow that sausage too if I was in that situation). The footage shown by CNN shows Millie cautiously directing through the area, trying to avoid getting stuck in the dangerous mud plots. Afterward, the poor dog looked particularly cold and tired, it was a murky day. The owners were glad to see that Millie came home safely and thanked the rescuers for their crazy idea.