A man walking around Walmart decided to do a random act of kindness to a woman he didn’t even know… and it was all due to their short conversation!
Lester Brown noticed Sabrina Drude in line to check out with a ton of school supplies. He quickly walked in line behind her and struck up a conversation. “He started asking me why I was buying all the supplies,” Drude told Huffington Post. “Which is when I explained that I was a teacher who teaches in a low socio-economic area and would rather have my students focus on learning than worry about their supplies.”
Sabrina, a teacher at Francis Scobee Middle School in San Antonio was completely blown away when Brown purchased all the supplies in her basket. There were bins, pencils, notebooks and more. “I remember I had this hundred-dollar bill with the intention of responding to something in need, and God said to respond,” Brown told WLTX. Lester Brown is both a pastor and father of five. He also works as a re-entry specialist for the Texas Juvenile Justice Department.
Despite Drude insisting it wasn’t necessary, nothing could stop Brown from buying the items. “He said that teachers do too much and don’t receive recognition. I asked if I could hug him and take a photo with him, because I didn’t think anyone would believe this happened,” Drude told Huffington Post.
With all the emotion that flooded her body, Drude completely forgot to ask for his name. She quickly took to social media in hopes to track Brown down and send him a thank you note. It didn’t take long for someone to make a connection. Love What Matter’s posted the story and Brown finally saw that Drude was seeking him out.
Drude and Brown have had the opportunity to interact back and forth once they were connected. According to Huffington Post, Drude is hoping to have Brown visit her students. “I am not a rare example,” Drude says. “Almost every teacher I know spends hundreds, if not thousands each year on their classes.”
Brown closed out his interview with WLTX with a simple challenge:
“I challenge you, whatever it is you can afford, to volunteer at a school, help a family.”
When one person does something to impact others, it has potential to start a wave of kindness all over your community. How can you be kind today? Take a step out of your comfort zone and try something!
If you love how Lester helped this teacher and her students, please SHARE this story!
Photo Credit: Huffington Post
Article Via: WLTX